The Stress Effect is an essential resource for Leaders. We recommend The Stress Effect for Coaches, Consultants and HR / Practitioners who need to hire, develop and retain High Performing Leaders. 
High Performing Systems can help you manage stress, use your Emotional Intelligence, make better decisions and become Stress Resilient. Call 706-769-5836 to talk with an experienced member of our team.
Decision Making is Important to Leadership Success
A Leader must have the ability to make good decisions in a timely manner. When good leaders start making a series of poor decisions the impact is widespread and often devastating. How does this happen?
In The Stress Effect, organizational psychologist and leadership consultant Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D., explains that too much stress is often behind this leadership failure. When a leader's stress level gets high enough he or she loses the ability to make wise decisions. Thompson believes these highly stressed leaders are unable to access their Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Ability, both essential to good decision making.
Until now, the experts have claimed that increasing Emotional Intelligence is the only way to cope with and manage stress. The Stress Effect shows that most of us don't use what we already have. Under stress, we use even less. Building Stress Resilience can help leaders maintain their decision-making abilities, manage their own stress and ensure that their employees manage theirs.
The Stress Effect outlines the ARSENAL™ model of 7 Best Practices proven to build Stress Resilience. Take the ARSENAL Assessment included in the book to find out how you are doing in each area. Take the ARSENAL Assessment online and get the Full Report.
This book is packed with practical techniques for making good decisions as well as tools for managing stress. You will learn about the different Leadership Levels and the abilities required at each level. Brain science, Emotional Intelligence, engaging stories, decision making and much more make The Stress Effect an important new resource for your business.
Quick Links
Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D. (Bio)
ARSENAL Assessment Online Certification ($295)
Take the ARSENAL Assessment online and Receive Professional Feedback ($149)
Take the ARSENAL Assessment online ($35)
Decision Making Under Stress - For Emergency Responders
Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i) Online Certification
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HPS E-Learning Series—Articles, Videos and Webcasts (Free)
Read an excerpt: Jossey-Bass / Wiley Publishers of The Stress Effect
The Stress Effect Book Review Leader's Guide
Handbook For Developing Emotional & Social Intelligence
Catastrophic Leadership Failure: An Overview by Henry L. Thompson
Leaders Need Stress Relief
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